Products for Sale

We have added All Beef Hot Dogs to our inventory. Photos coming soon.

Hamburger 90% lean (1 lb pkg)—$6/lb SEE SPECIALS PAGE LIMITED TIME OFFER $5

We have a 2 new flavors of Snack Sticks—-Jalapeno Cheddar and Beef Maple Bacon

$8 per package

Beef Snack Sticks—Pepperoni –$6/pkg Sold Out 3/35/2023

Beef Snack Sticks—-Teriyaki–$8/pkg

Teriyaki beef sticks —$6/pkg

Taking Orders for 1/4, 1/2 and Whole Beef VERY LIMITED AVAILABLITY

Text 970-531-3568 to get your name on the list for 2023

T-Bone Steak–$15/lb SOLD OUT 1/24/2022

T-Bone marbling

Rib-eye Steak—$15/lb SOLD OUT 1/24/2022

Tenderloin–$17/lb SOLD OUT 1/24/2022


Thank you to all who purchased beef ! We only have 2 beef available at this time 🙂

25 Replies to “Products for Sale”

  1. If you are still interested if will have some beef going to the processer on April 28 2021. Let me know if you would like some. 1/4 is $600 1/2 is $1200.
    Thank You,
    Deb Wood

    1. I don’t have any 1/4 or 1/2 available now. You get steaks, roasts, soup bones, ribs, brisket and hamburger in a 1/4 and double the amount in a 1/2. There is approximately 100-120 lbs of meat in a 1/4.

  2. I just saw your post on Facebook, so I realize we are late (maybe too late ) to order. We would have been interested in a half beef, However, we are most interested in steaks , roasts, stew meat (or increased amount of round and tenderloin steak) and hamburger. possibly ribs .
    Could we get an estimate of what you may have available. Do you butcher in the fall?

    1. I have T-bone and Rib eye steaks $15/lb
      Ground beef normally $6/lb now until Mother’s Day $5/lb
      I won’t have any 1/2 or 1/4 until late fall.

    1. If you look at the tab What’s in a Quarter Beef? that is what is typically in a !/4. Our price for 1/4 is $700. We are all sold out for this year our price may need to increase depending on what some of our costs end up this next year. We have 90% lean ground beef available if you are interested. Thank you

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